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Computing Science

Current Location: EN > ADMISSIONS > Admission > Majors > Computing Science
  • Ranking

  • Staff Qualifications

    Highly qualified teaching staff:
    There are 38 teachers, including 18 professors and researchers, 16 associate professors/associate researchers, and a first-class faculty team mainly composed of academicians of Chinese Engineering Academy, national high-level academic leading figures, Hunan Furong Scholar, etc., including 1 academician of Chinese Engineering Academy, 5 national high-level academic leading figures, 1 National Top Young Talent, 1 National Outstanding Young Scholar, 2 Outstanding Youths of Hunan Province, 3 Hunan Furong Scholars, 2 academics listed in the Hunan's 100 Talents Plan and 1 listed in the Hunan Youth Talent Project.

    Degree Programmes and Postdoctoral Research Stations:
    There is a first-tier doctoral degree programme, a master's degree programme and a postdoctoral research station in Computer Science and Technology. In addition, there is a master's degree programme in Electronic Information, covering six professional fields: communication engineering, computer technology, software engineering, artificial intelligence, big data technology and engineering, and network and information security.

    Research features:
    There are 2 national research bases, including the National Engineering Laboratory of Medical Big Data Application Technology (CSU), and more than 10 provincial and ministerial research bases. We have won 1 National Prize for Natural Sciences and more than 20 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards. We have created distinctive research directions in many fields, such as the basic theory and application of a new network computing model, theoretical computer science, bioinformatics, computer vision and digital medical applications, computer networks and information security, big data and knowledge engineering, rail transportation network communication, wireless networks and mobile computing.


  • Course Content

    Introduction to Data Structures & AlgorithmsJava ProgrammingMulti-paradigm Programming & Data StructuresObject-Oriented Analysis & DesignComputer Systems(计算机系统2A/2BAlgorithms & AIDatabase SystemsTheory of ComputationNetworks & Data CommunicationsAgile Software Engineering, etc.

  • Education Programme