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Current Location: EN > ABOUT > Why DIICSU > Introduction

Dundee International Institute of Central South University (DIICSU) is a non-independent legal entity and a Sino-foreign cooperative educational institution established with the approval of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (license number: MOE43UKA02DNR20212173N), jointly organised by Central South University (CSU) and the University of Dundee (UoD), UK. DIICSU has selected five undergraduate majors - Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Computing Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering with Transportation - as the first batch of undergraduate majors. This selection is based on the strengths of the two universities and takes into account social and economic development needs at home and abroad. The aim is to enrol 300 students every year, with a maximum of 1,200.

DIICSU is aligned with the educational philosophy of international first-class universities. It comprehensively introduces the curriculum system, teaching methods, quality assurance system and high-quality educational resources of the UoD, and integrates the academic and school-management strengths of the two universities, creating a free and open international learning environment for students, stimulating independent thinking, cultivating cross-disciplinary innovative skills and enhancing teamwork, leadership and cross-cultural communication skills while expanding the students' international vision and improving their global competitiveness.

The establishment of DIICSU is a key step for CSU in promoting the construction of "Double First-Class" (First-class universities and disciplines of the world), solidifying the "14th Five-Year Plan" and accelerating the progress of internationalisation. The aim is to further support national economic and social development, help Hunan build "Three Highlands" (a leading position in industries) and fulfill the goal of "Four New" (four new missions for Hunan development), implement an innovation-leading and opening-up strategy that provides open, comprehensive and international talent to help accelerate the construction of a focal point for growth in the central region of China.