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Mechanical Engineering with Transportation

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      WANG Kui

      Title: Professor

      Email: [email protected]

    • Professional Experience

        Editor in international journal ofTransportation Safety and Environment, Oxford University Press& Central South University press, 2019-present

        Deputy director in Traffic equipment and control engineering, Central South University, 2019-present

        Professor in Traffic equipment and control engineering, Central South University, 2017-present

        Post doctoral researcher in Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, 2015-2017

        R&D Engineer in Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, 2013-2015

    • Research Specialization

      My research focuses on the integrated design and manufacture of material structure and function for rail transit applications, the study of mechanical behaviors of lightweight structures and materials under extreme conditions including low/high temperature and high strain rate loading. I am also interested in the development of recycling and remanufacturing technique, and the evaluation of mechanical behaviors of recycled/remanufactured materials. I obtained the French national qualification of maîtres de conferences in 2014. I am the member of DYMAT, EUROMECH, MECAMAT and SAMPE. I published over 30 SCI indexed international journal papers, applied 3 US and PCT patents, and wrote one book chapter.