Title:Associate Professor
Email:[email protected]
Senior Lecturer, STTE, CSU, 2018-present
Lecturer, STTE, CSU, 2017-2018
Research Associate, UNSW Sydney, Australia, 2016-2017
Researcher, UNSW Sydney, Australia, 2015-2016
Project Researcher, UNSW Sydney, Australia, 2013-2016
Dr. Scarlett Liu is a Senior Lecturer in Vision Sensing for Field Robotics discipline within the School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Central South University, China. Her research interests are focused on Robotics with experience in Robotic Vision, Sensing and Environment Reconstruction. She does theoretical investigation on unsupervised data structure learning from the perspective of vision perception and sensing for autonomous system, which supports decision making and autonomous system control. Dr. Scarlett Liu’s solid publication record and recognition for excellence in presentation skills and teaching confirm her reputation as an efficient communicator. Her experience on conducting planning and management of field work accumulated for past five years, proves her capability on efficient filed operations and engagement between academic and industrial parties. Her bilingual skills have been utilised to help improve international recognition of the research team of CV-MLI and supervise international and domestic students. Her clear research plan enhances her ability to