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Mechanical Engineering with Transportation

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      FU Qinyi


      Email:[email protected]

    • Professional Experience

        Doctoral supervisor in STTE, CSU, 2009-present.

        Professor STTE, CSU, 2004.

        Associate professor in STTE, CSU, 1999-2004.

        Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Changsha Railway Institution, 1995-1999.

        Ph. D. of Thermal Turbomachinery, School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology,1994-1997.

        Researcher the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Changsha Railway Institution, 1993-1995.

    • Research Specialization

      My research is focussed on the performance monitoring and fault diagnosis of mechanical equipment, wavelet theory and engineering application, sensor technology and railway measurement. I also have particular research interests in Testing Technology and Signal Processing, and Wavelets Theory & Application. I have taught undergraduate and postgraduate modules on Fundamentals of Single Chip Computers & Application, Mechanical Vibration, Testing Technology and Signal Processing, and Wavelets Theory & Application. In addition to that, I have obtained for 9 patents related to measurement methods of orbit geometry and intelligent analyzer for railway track detection. I have supervised more than 20 master and doctoral graduates.