ZHOU Yuansheng
Title:Associate Professor Vice-Director of Department of Vehicle Engineering
Email:[email protected]
Professional Experience
Lecturer in Department of Vehicle Engineering, 2016-2018;
Associate Professor in Department of Vehicle Engineering, 2019-present
Research Specialization
My research topic includes Gear Design and Manufacturing (mainly for face gears and bevel gears), CAD/CAM/CAE, CNC Machining, Measurement, CNC Machine Tools, Intelligent manufacturing. Since I joined in the CSU in 2016, I worked in CSU Gear Group which is leaded by Prof. Jinyuan Tang. In this group, I am leading a group to mainly work on the design and manufacturing of face gears. Although face gears have been shown great potential to applied in industry, neither design standard nor popular manufacturing approach is available. To promote the application of face gears in industry, I have worked on several interesting projects and the contents are mainly stated as two aspects. 1) Design of face gears. It includes the gear blank design, tooth surface modeling, tooth contact analysis (TCA), strength analysis, the development of softwares and design standard to face gears. 2) Manufacturing of face gears. It includes manufacturing methods, machinery, metrology. Based on the aforementioned two aspects, our group have developed the softwares to design face gears, and manufactured face gears for different applications with different methods including CNC milling, plunging, grinding, etc. Besides the study of face gears, I am also working on the CNC machining, CAD/CAM/CAE, Measurement, CNC Machine Tools. I am interested in the high-quality projects which balance the practical applications and theoretical researches. I have been supported as the leader of several key projects from Chinese government, and published some critical journal publications in Transactions of ASME, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Computer-Aided Design, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Journal of Mechanical Engineering (In Chinese), etc.