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Computing Science

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      Iain Murray

      Title:Senior Lecturer

      Email:[email protected]

    • Professional Experience

        After his secondary education in Dunfermline, Dr Iain Murray went to the University of Dundee in 1982 where he gained an undergraduate degree in electronics and a postgraduate research degree on the subject of speech synthesis. He has been a lecturer in Computing there since 1991, still with an interest in speech synthesis and communication technology. He is a Member of the British Computer Society and is a member of their academic accreditation team. He is the Treasurer of the Tayside & Fife Branch of the British Science Association, which organises an annual programme of public events, including a science public lecture series. He has been interested in the work of Sir Barnes Wallis for many years, and his book “Bouncing-Bomb Man: the Science of Sir Barnes Wallis” was published in 2009; he is also the author of the Haynes technical manuals on the Dam Busters (2011) and Vickers Wellington (2012).

    • Research Specialization

      How emotion and other stressing factors are conveyed in human speech; how to simulate vocal emotion in synthetic speech; the application of synthetic speech systems within voice output communication aids