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Civil Engineering

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      Andrew Brennan

      Title:Senior Lecturer

      Email:[email protected]

    • Professional Experience

        Andrew Brennan is currently Senior Lecturer in the Geotechnics Research Group at the University of Dundee. He graduated from University College, Oxford in 1999 with a first-class Honours degree in Engineering Science and obtained his doctorate in 2004 studying vertical drains as a countermeasure for earthquake-induced soil liquefaction. After his PhD, he remained at Cambridge as a Junior Research Fellow of Wolfson College, working on other novel seismic ground improvement techniques as part of the EU-funded NEMISREF project, before joining University of Dundee in 2005. His research is largely focussed on dynamic soil behaviour in a range of scenarios, investigated predominantly through physical (1g and centrifuge) modelling. He also has experience in earthquake reconnaissance, having been a member of the UK-Indonesia joint mission to the site of the 2018 Sulawesi earthquake. He is a member of the EPSRC College and currently serving a second spell on the editorial advisory panel of Geotechnique.

    • Research Specialization

      Liquefaction; Offshore pipeline and cable installation; Decommissioning of offshore infrastructure; Dynamic soil loading; Centrifuge testing