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      Kazem Dastoori


      邮箱:[email protected]

    • 工作经历

        Dr Dastoori obtained his BSc degree in Electronics and Computer Systems, an MSc in Electronic Circuit Design and Manufacture and a PhD in the field of Electrostatic Instrumentation from the University of Dundee, and has been a member of staff since 1990. He has prime responsibility for the research, teaching and project supervision. As a project supervisor (BEng, MSc and PhD students), he is responsible for several projects in the area of electronic circuit design and manufacture, and the development of electrostatic instrumentation. He is programme convenor for the taught MSc course in Electronic Circuit Design and Manufacture. He also has experience in the fields of instrumentation and physical testing.

    • 研究方向

      Research and development of new electrostatic instruments; Modification of different types of powder coating guns; Research into the additive process of PCB; Research into rf power transmission to implant miniature radio pills (Implant telemetry); Intelligent Textiles for medical and health care applications; Application of MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) in the measurement of charge on powder or dust particles and textiles for medical and military applications