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      Annalu Waller


      邮箱:[email protected]

    • 工作经历

        Chair in Human Communication Technologies (Promoted July 2012); University of Dundee

        Senior Lecturer (Promoted 2008): School of Science and Engineering (Computing), University of Dundee.

        Research Fellow, Department of Applied Computing, University of Dundee (1992 – 1997)

        Membership, Association for Computing Machinery (Member SIGCHI & SIGACCESS)

        Membership, British Computer Society (Associate Member 1999-2005; Member HCISIG)

        Membership, Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe

        Director, Technology for Innovation

        Membership, Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (Chartered Engineer Status)

        Director/Main Board member, Capability Scotland

        Trustee/Board member, Blissymbolics Communication UK Trust (Treasurer)

        Membership, International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication

        Membership, Communication Matters UK

        Membership, SLPAT-Speech Language Processing for Assistive Technology

        Association for Computational Linguistics (Founder member)

    • 研究方向

      Annalu Waller has worked in the field of Augmentative and Alternate Communication (AAC) since 1985, designing communication systems for and with nonspeaking individuals. She established the first AAC assessment and training centre in South Africa in 1987 before coming to Dundee in 1989. Her PhD developed narrative technology support for adults with acquired dysphasia following stroke. Her primary research areas are human computer interaction, natural language processing, personal narrative and assistive technology. In particular, she focuses on empowering end users, including disabled adults and children, by involving them in the design and use of technology. She manages a number of interdisciplinary research projects with industry and practitioners from rehabilitation engineering, special education, speech and language therapy, nursing and dentistry. She is on the editorial boards of several academic journals and sits on the boards of a number of national and international organisations representing disabled people. Annalu leads the AAC Research Group in the School of Computing which seeks to develop technology with and for people with limited or no speech.