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      Leon Chernin


      邮箱:[email protected]

    • 工作经历

        Dr Leon Chernin joined the University of Dundee as a Lecturer in 2012. He received his MEng in 1998 and MSc in 1999 from Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Samara, Russia). He subsequently undertook an MSc degree at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa,Israel), during 2000-2004. It included research on delamination buckling of a beam attached to a rigid substrate. He was awarded a PhD degree by the Technion in 2008 for work on the effect of corrosion on the concrete-reinforcement interaction in reinforced concrete beams. During 2008-2012 he worked as a research associate at Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh,UK).

    • 研究方向

      Durability and structural/material deterioration of reinforced concrete; Behaviour of concrete structures subjected to extreme loads such as blast loads; Structural and durability issues related to marine renewables